Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in July

Published Wednesday, 10th July 2019

Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in July

The rainfall reading of 83.5mm was the second highest monthly reading for the year. The accumulative total now stands at 379.5mm which the course has taken quite well with only a few areas remaining wet.

Our Greens enjoyed the rain and have benefited from verti-draining in June, further aeration is scheduled for July. As is the norm for this time of year disease activity in greens has slowed, along with growth and recovery and major renovations are scheduled for August 21st.

Even with the frosts we experienced in June the tees are holding their colour. An application of fertiliser and pigment has been beneficial, however, some areas are feeling the cold and struggling to keep up with the wear.

Fairways were fertilized in early June to keep the colour and growth with another application applied in early July. Insecticide was also applied with a penetrant, taking advantage of the wet weather to help get the product where it needed to be. Turfing and plugging has continued on the small Ground Pearl patches on fairways. Currently concentrating on the 17th fairway.

July Course Mgrs Update 2.jpeg

During June we were able to identify some drainage issues with our bunkers. Bunkers, with the exception of the 4th, 6th and 17th have been dug up and fresh sand placed over drainage lines. The front bunker on the 7th has had the shoulder lowered by 200mm, removing 15 ton of material. The replacement turf for the shoulder was cut from the front of the 7th tee.

The cart path on the 3rd tee around the garden has been rebuilt as this area was becoming very worn and needed work to avoid any further damage. 

July Course Mgrs Update 1.jpeg

Shay Tasker
Course Manager