

Join our Membership Waitlist

Thank you for your interest in joining Carnarvon as a Golf Member.

Due to the high demand for membership, a waitlist is now in place.
New Members will be added when we can handle more golfers on our course again.
Please complete a Membership Waitlist application form, receipt your application fee and we will contact you when a place opens up. 
(Minimum estimated wait time is 7 months)
* application fee does not apply to Sub Cadet, Junior & Intermediate 1 categories

Become a Member of Carnarvon Golf Club today

The following outlines the process involved in becoming a Member of Carnarvon Golf Club.

Subscription levels are set annually by the Board each year, commencing 1 September. Subscription rates may be adjusted to reflect a pro rata amount, relative to the remaining months of the financial year.

1. Completing the Application Form with Application Fee

  • Please ensure that all sections of your application form have been completed in full. An incomplete form may delay your application.
  • Application forms are available from the reception area of the Club, or may be filled out via our online membership form. 
  • Completed application forms can be submitted to the office in person or electronically.
  • Please note, a non-refundable application fee of $250 is required to secure a place on the Carnarvon Golf Club wait list. This excludes those applying for Intermediate 1, Junior or Sub Cadet Categories. The application fee is non-transferrable
  • Payments can be made by cheque or cash if an application is submitted in person. Applications sent by email, must make payment via credit card.

2. Approval

  • Once an application form has been received, the form will be posted onto our Members' Notice Board for a period of not less than 7 days.
  • The application will be considered at the next Board of Directors Meeting. The Board reserves the right to reject any application without providing a reason for their decision. In the event an application is rejected, the application fee will be refunded.
  • All applicants will be invited to and must attend an interview with the respective Captains.

3. Fees

  • All new members must then pay the annual subscription or pro rata amount relative to the remaining months of the current financial year.
  • Annual subscriptions may be paid in installments, that being monthly* or half yearly*.
  • *Please be aware that the Club does not offer monthly or half yearly memberships and members must ensure that the annual subscription is always payable in full, regardless of any installment methods that may be allowed from time to time.

4. Payment 

  • Once approved by the Board of Directors, new members will receive a tax invoice for their membership.
  • Upon payment of the prescribed fees, you will be issued with; Your Membership Card, Fixtures Book & Rules of Golf Book