Phone: (02) 9649 6255 | Pro Shop: (02) 8197 5316 | Email:
Despite the stage one easing of restrictions and after review by the Board & Management, we unfortunately will not be able to offer our dine-in experiences at Nottinghill 65
Course Managers May Update
Course Managers April Update
Thank you to all our Members for your patience, as you may be aware there have been a lot of mixed messages coming out and it does play havoc with our operations.
Golf Course & Clubhouse closed until further notice
The Federal Government and State Government have restricted gatherings of unrelated people to 2 people only and Carnarvon Golf Club is endeavouring to comply with these restrictions.
Nominations for Directors are still open
Due to new Government Restrictions, our Club house is closed, however the golf course will remain open until otherwise advised.
Proactive measures to be taken in regards to COVID-19 and the safety and health of our Members and Guests
Course Managers March Update
Weekly Easter Raffles! Over $4000 in prizes to be won leading up to Easter! Be here for your chance to WIN