Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in November 2021
Published Friday, 12th November 2021
The average temperature
during October was 230 with a few warmer days above 300. There was 86mm of rainfall, most of which
fell prior to, or on the 14th of October. Since then, we have
received just 4.2mm of rain which somewhat explains why the course is drying
Given golfing numbers are extremely high and the weather
is warming up I’m happy with the way the greens have performed throughout
October. We have started to see some dry patches develop later in the month due
to low rainfall, warmer temperatures and running a tough maintenance regime for
the Championships. Despite this the greens are clean of pest and disease and
running well. Our scheduled greens renovations have been moved from the 31st
of October to the 21st of November to accommodate Championships,
they will certainly benefit from the renovations.
The tees have been a bit slow to get going but now that
we are seeing higher over-night temperatures, we will see better growth. I’m
impressed though by the way they are handling the amount of traffic going over
them and again ask Members and visitors to PLEASE REPAIR DIVOTS. We may
make some progress if players fill their divot and one other left by less
considerate golfers.
Organic fertilizer was applied late in October to help the
tees through the spring. I intend to give them another verti-drain once
Championships are completed.
Fairways are looking healthy, regular fertilizer and PGR
applications have helped them obtain a satisfactory cover. The 11th
fairway is taking up a lot of time and effort, but we are seeing a marked
improvement. Further root pruning will take place throughout the warmer months.
Turf will also be placed in some of the larger Ground Pearl
patches, particularly on 11th, 13th and 14th.
Several bunker “faces” and “lips” require shaping and
repairing which we expect to achieve during the summer.
Shay Tasker
Course Manager