A letter from the Club President
Published Monday, 8th January 2018
Dear Members,
I am writing this
letter to inform you of some changes that have occurred within Carnarvon Golf
Club in the last month and to offer an apology to a very long-standing Director
of the club.
Firstly, I offer
my very sincere apology to Nick Stoves for the omission of his name as a
director in the current fixture book. Nick is a current director of the club
and has been on the Board for 21 years with 6 years as President and 2 years as
Vice President. The omission was not purposely done but was a mistake that was
not detected until the printed booklets were recieved. Proof reading will be a
priority before the printing of the next fixture book.
Ron McKellar tendered his resignation from the Board of Carnarvon Golf Club at the last meeting of the Board held on 5 December 2017. Ron has just retired from the work force and has moved north to Gorakan on the Central Coast of NSW. Ron has served on the Board for a total of 8 years and his financial knowledge and common-sense approach will be missed. The vacant position on the Board has been filled with the appointment of Mark Abood, who will provide the Board with his financial expertise gained from his position with the Auditor Generals’ Department prior to his retirement. Mark will hold the position on the Board until the elections in April 2018. I welcome Mark to the Board.
John Honeybrook,
President, Carnarvon Golf Club