Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in June 2021

Published Wednesday, 9th June 2021

Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in June 2021

May was mild with an average maximum temperature of 210 and 70.6mm of rainfall. Our year-to-date rainfall now stands at 632mm and a dry couple of months now would be beneficial.

Heading into winter the greens are in fantastic shape and are firming up as they usually do with the cooler weather. A small solid tine took place in early June to reduce compaction and increase air flow and water movement through the soil. A small amount of winter fusarium is evident in some greens and we will be trialling a “non-chemical” control method. If successful, this will see a reduction of pesticide use around the course. Selective herbicide was applied to green perimeters to control kikuyu and couch grass encroachment with fantastic results.

Tees recovered well from the Poa/Kikuyu control application in March and are in great condition heading into June. Pigment and synthetic fertilizer will be applied to keep growth and colour over winter.

We have begun replacing plastic chain around the tees with steel chain. This chain is in place to direct foot traffic onto tees in such a way that
wear is spread evenly along paths and tee banks, reducing the possibility of bare patches forming in those areas.

Golfers are expected to use the gaps in the chain and not step over the chain to access the tee

Apart from a few small pre-existing ground pearl patches, and a few tree root affected areas, fairways are in tip top shape. More patching took place in May on the 6
th and 9th fairways, the 10th, 13th and 14th are next on the list. We will be carrying out some root pruning over winter to help reduce tree root encroachment on some fairway areas.

Work on the 3
rd pot bunker was carried out in May and has now completed its transition from a bunker to a mound. Work will commence in June to repair the faces on bunkers, and we intend to work through all the bunkers as time and the weather allows.

Please rake bunkers after use

Tree work was carried out on the 11
th hole clearing the over-hanging and low branches to open up the approach to the green. A couple dead trees from behind the 12th tee were also removed.

A new path is scheduled for construction from the 11
th green to the 12th tee during June, again subject to weather conditions. The path will be closer to the boundary fence allowing for better lies for golfers sending their tee shots left off the 11th tee.


Shay Tasker

Course Manager