Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in September 2024

Published Tuesday, 17th September 2024

Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in September 2024

August was an interesting month weather-wise with just 25mm of rain falling on an already soaked golf course. The average maximum temperature was 21 degrees with a couple of days in the high 20’s thrown in at the end of the month.

Our greens have come through Winter very well with full grass coverage and great health. The greens renovations were carried out successfully mid-month with 3/8” hollow tines removing cores. Approximately 40 tonne of sand was applied in the form of top dressing followed by soil amendments. The greens recovered well and we were able to return to 3mm cutting height within 10 days.

Green speeds prior to renovations were sitting around the 10’2” range and have returned to 10’ since renovations just 3 weeks ago. A second light dust will be carried out mid-September to assist in maintaining a smooth firm surface for the Championships at the end of the month.

Early applications of preventative insecticide have been carried out as we are expecting an early hatch of insect activity this year given the warmer temperatures. In all I’m very pleased with the way our greens are performing.

Winter was not kind to our tees, but they have come through quite well. The couch grass has begun to green up with the sun and warm temperatures. As with greens, tees received an early hit with preventative insecticides along with a feed to encourage root growth and plant health. The tees have remained clean of any weed, including winter grass, or disease

I’m expecting the tees to be in great shape by the time Championships roll around and our annual Tee renovations are scheduled for November.

Once again, I’m very happy with the condition of our fairways outside of the Ground Pearl and flood affected areas. It has not taken long for them to dry out with the wind and warm temperature experienced at the end of August and early September. We are already seeing an effect of this drying out on plant health and patching of bare patches is back on the agenda. Patching will continue throughout Spring as the weather allows. Amendments are scheduled for application in early September.

Tree work has been carried out on the 13th with further work scheduled for the beginning of September on the 13th, 18th and 14th ladies’ tee.

Shay Tasker
Course Manager