Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in November 2022

Published Monday, 7th November 2022

Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in November 2022

In October 158mm of rain fell which was enough to influence the maintenance program. Fortunately, warmer weather towards the end of the month has allowed the course to dry out considerably and fingers crossed we will have some settled weather conditions in the lead up to summer.

Two drier weeks through mid-October allowed the greens to firm up nicely for the remaining Club Championships. Green surfaces performed, and are performing very well. Scheduled renovations had to be postponed from the 31st of the month to the 13th and 14th of November. The maintenance well help to relieve some compaction and get some air and amendments into the soil profile. Greens are in a good position leading into summer.

Most of our tees are recovering well and are in good condition. The tees in heavily shaded areas are still struggling from the wet conditions. All tees have been aerated with solid tines and soil amendments added. This will be repeated with hollow tines some time in November/December. It is my belief that those tees will recover, but there are a few small areas on the 3rd, 12th, and 15th that may require some returfing.

The fairways have responded well to the warmer temperatures even though the weather has put us a little behind on our nutrient application program. Despite this the fairways are still in great condition (outside of the flood affected areas of course).

Over-sowing of the 11th fairway is due to take place on the 14th of November. The surface will be disturbed with an “aerovator” attachment on a hired Ventrac, and seed dropped into the surface.

The 11th hole will be closed for a couple of weeks to allow for germination. While the equipment is here, we will work on over-sowing other areas on the course as well.

The bunkers have had a hard time of late with the constant wet weather. They are recovering though and work will be carried out on edging and re-shaping as time allows.


Shay Tasker
Course Manager