Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in March 2022

Published Monday, 14th March 2022

Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in March 2022

What can I say about the weather in February? Of the 28 days in the month, there were only 7 days on which no rain was recorded. We had 351mm of rain in total, with 270mm of that falling in the last 7 days of February. It is safe to say that we finished the month under water!

The Greens were in great shape throughout February and have held up very well under the circumstances. An extra gypsum application was put on greens just before the heavy rain and we have managed to fit in fungicide and Primo Growth Retardant applications between showers. The Greens should remain in very good condition but will need the renovation which is scheduled for the 13th and 14th of March. The renovation will bring some much-needed relief to the greens soil profile. Further soil amendments will be applied at the same time.

The humid weather of February suited the tees, and they are growing well and remaining very healthy. The heavy rain has not yet impacted on tee surfaces although some areas will thin out if the rain persists. PGR applications scheduled for tees have been missed so we will see a build-up of thatch on tee surfaces with uncontrolled growth in early March.

The fairways were in fantastic condition throughout February. Turfing took place on the 10th and 11th fairways, but the heavy rain and flooding washed a lot of the turf away. The majority of this turf was picked up from the roughs and edges of the dam and replaced but at this stage I’m not holding high hopes for the life expectancy of that turf. There isn’t a fairway on the course that has not been affected by water. Prolonged surface water cutting oxygen and sunlight from the plant will have a detrimental effect on plant health and I dare say we could lose some small patches of Kikuyu on some of our wetter fairways. Obviously all possible actions will be taken to avoid this happening.

The plants and garden soil for the 14th garden have been delivered but the completion of this job has been delayed until we can get equipment onto the course.

Shay Tasker,
Course Manager

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