Ladies Carnarvon Cup, Salver & Long Markers Trophy 2019
Published Friday, 14th June 2019
Thank you to all the Ladies who competed in the Carnarvon Cup, Salver & Long Markers Cup event on Wednesday 12 June 2019. We had 17 Visitors on the day from 13 different Clubs, which was fantastic to see; Strathfield, Massey Park, Campbelltown, Dunheved, Glenmore Park, Wallacia, The Ridge, Kareela, St Michaels, Randwick, Manly, Avondale & Bonville.
A further congratulations to the 2019 Winners
Carnarvon Cup Scr Winner - Felicity Wittenberg (Avondale)
Carnarvon Cup Scr R/Up - Jenny Shim
Carnarvon Cup Nett Winner - Hak Boon Choi
Salver Scr Winner - Veronica Lee
Salver Scr R/Up - Justine Kwon
Salver Nett Winner - Kathy Kim
Long Markers Trophy Winner - Sheryl Murray
Long Markers Trophy R/Up - Monica Lee