Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in October

Published Wednesday, 9th October 2019

Course Managers Update - Around the Greens in October

September was a funny old month for weather, rain, wind, warm and cold days. We received upwards of 90mm of rain which helped the course immensely, but it was unfortunate that it happened to fall on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Greens bounced back well from renovations and started September in excellent shape. Unfortunately, the rain and following wind meant we were delayed in a few of our post renovation applications causing excessive Poa seed heads to effect the greens, as well as some disease Dollar Spot and Brown Patch being visible on some greens. Poa seed is causing greens to be a little bumpy but this will smooth out as seed head falls off.

Tees are showing signs of life after the rain and a bit of a feed and they certainly benefitted from solid tine aeration in August. A foliar fertilizer and wetting agent were applied in early September as well as 500kg of Gypsum and a slow release granular fertilizer will be applied in mid-October.

Fairways were applied with 2 tonnes of granular fertilizer in September just before the rain came and they look great with good, flat coverage. Some areas of Ground Pearl are visible but are being managed.

Emergency tree removal took place on the right side of the first fairway after wind pushed the big Tallowwood over that protects the 15th green. Two replacement (smaller, denser) trees have been planted in a slightly better position.


Shay Tasker

Course Manager