Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in September 2022

Published Monday, 19th September 2022

Course Managers Report - Around the Greens in September 2022

Members will have noticed over the last three to six months a decline in the health of some of our trees. The Tallowwood (Eucalyptus micro-cory) and to a lesser extent the Iron Bark (Eucalyptus sideroxylon) have suffered.

After consultation with a tree expert from Landcare and other knowledgeable people we are informed that the decline is simply being caused by the excessive amount of ground water present at the moment. The water is causing a couple of issues where rot or fungal disease pathogens are attacking the weakened trees. This damage is being seen right across Sydney, with examples in local parks in Auburn and at many Sydney golf courses.

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The club is looking to have dead trees removed as soon as possible and then replanting with similar species will take place soon after. Tree work has been postponed due to the wet weather and the lack of ability to get equipment onto the golf course

We received 46.3mm of rain over the month of August. This doesn’t sound like a lot but it was certainly enough to keep things damp and unfortunately we didn’t get the drying winds we needed.

Greens renovations were carried out as scheduled from the 17th to the 19th of September and went according to plan. We decided to go with a smaller (8mm) hollow tine rather than the 12mm we usually use at this time of year. This was partly due to the condition of the greens being so good and is part of the reward of our maintenance and soil conditioning programs over the last few years. Further soil amendments were applied during the renovation period to replace what has been leached out of the profile with recent rain. This program will continue well into November and, to a lesser extent, through the summer. Preventative products for Poa seed head, Stem Weevil and mites were applied during August.

The Greens recovered magnificently from the renovations and are in tip top shape heading towards the Championships.

The tees have been on ‘struggle street’ over the last month or so, but with a Miticide application, organic fertiliser, and some warmer temperatures, we have seen some improvement later in the month and into early September. Further Mite control will be carried out in September along with further organic/synthetic fertiliser applications to push them into action for the October Championships.

The fairways were renovated in August with a Ventrac corer (see here Outside of the flood affected areas the fairways are in great condition, and we have seen some improvement in those bare areas, but constant rain events just keep putting them back. Five tonne of Lime was applied in August to assist with soil conditioning and recovery and insecticide and miticides were also applied. Fairways, surrounds and roughs were treated with selective herbicide to control weeds, but a small amount of damage/yellowing is evident through the wear areas on surrounds and on some of the thinner areas on fairways. This damage is already growing out and is nothing to worry about and will improve with sun and warmer weather.


Shay Tasker,
Course Manager