COVID-19 Update 30/03/2020

Published Monday, 30th March 2020

COVID-19 Update 30/03/2020

The Federal Government and State Government have restricted gatherings of unrelated people to 2 people only and Carnarvon Golf Club is endeavouring to comply with these restrictions. 

As of Monday 30th March play on the golf course will be restricted to two players per group. Entry to the Pro-shop is via one entry only and only one person is permitted in the Pro-shop at any time.

All practice facilities are closed until further notice. No practice putting, chipping, bunkers or practice nets will be open.

All bookings for Tuesday 31 March, Wednesday 1 April and Thursday 2 April will be condensed into two person groups from today.

Bookings for the weekend have been deleted and time sheets with two players per group from the first tee will be available on the website from 12.00pm on Wednesday 1 April. This arrangement will only allow 150 players to play on Saturday 4th April and 156 players on Sunday 5th April.  Medal rounds will be played for male and females on Saturday and Sunday if we have sufficient members play. Ladies medal players have no restrictions on playing times on Sunday 5th April.

Government recommendations state that persons over 70 years of age should remain at home until further notice.

We are governed by the restrictions and will try to keep the course open as long as we are allowed.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
John Honeybrook,